Migrating from the old livepatch charm

The Juju framework offered a, now deprecated, way to write charms called reactive charms. The modern framework is known as the operator framework.
Below we explain how to identify which type of charm you are running.

Run juju status and observe the charm name and channel. The output will resemble the following.

Machine Charm:

  • Charm name = canonical-livepatch-server
    • Channel = latest/* - Reactive charm (deprecated)
    • Channel = ops1.x/* - Operator charm (recommended for new deployments)

Kubernetes Charm:

  • Charm name = canonical-livepatch-server-k8s
    • Channel = latest/* - Operator charm (recommended for new deployments)
    • Only an operator charm is available for Livepatch on K8s.

Migrate deployment

Currently there is no way to migrate existing data to a new deployment. Existing deployments will continue to function but will no longer receive new features. It is recommended that new deployments use the operator charms.

To migrate an existing reactive charm deployment, it is suggested that you setup a new deployment and follow the steps below to migrate your configuration.

Migrate Configuration

The new Livepatch charms have different configuration keys. Additionally, some options were removed in favour of a simpler structure. To migrate your old config to the new one, you can use this script.

To run the script:

$ python3 ./converter.py -i input.yaml -o converted.yaml

Where the input.yaml is the old configuration that you want to convert. To extract it from your deployment, you can use this command:

$ juju config livepatch-server > input.yaml

The script would create/overwrite the output file specified by the -o parameter.

Old config New config Notes
log_level server.log-level Possible values:‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’, ‘error’.Default is ‘info’
url_template server.url-template Must be in the form:“http(s)://<hostname>:<port>/v1/patches/{filename}”
psql_dbname NA
psql_roles NA
blocklist_cache_refresh patch-blocklist.refresh-interval Make sure that patch-blocklist.enabled is set to true
contract_server_url contracts.url
contract_server_user contracts.user
contract_server_password contracts.password
concurrency_limit server.concurrency-limit
burst_limit server.burst-limit
is_cloud_delay_enabled cloud-delay.enabled
cloud_delay_default_delay_hours cloud-delay.default-delay-hours
dbconn_max database.connection-pool-max
dbconn_max_lifetime database.connection-lifetime-max
patch_sync_enabled patch-sync.enabled
patch_cache_ttl patch-cache.cache-ttl
patch_cache_size patch-cache.cache-size
patch_cache_on patch-cache.enabled
http_proxy patch-sync.proxy.http Make sure that patch-sync.proxy.enabled is set to true.
https_proxy patch-sync.proxy.https
no_proxy patch-sync.proxy.no-proxy
event_bus_client_cert machine-reports.event-bus.client-cert Make sure: machine-reports.event-bus.enabled is set to true
event_bus_client_key machine-reports.event-bus.client-key
event_bus_ca_cert machine-reports.event-bus.ca-cert
event_bus_brokers machine-reports.event-bus.brokers
auth_lp_teams auth.sso.teams Make sure this is set to true: auth.sso.enabled
auth_sso_public_key auth.sso.public-key
auth_sso_location auth.sso.url
auth_basic_users auth.basic.users Make sure that auth.basic.enable is set to true
swift_container_name patch-storage.swift-container
swift_auth_url patch-storage.swift-auth-url
swift_username patch-storage.swift-username
swift_apikey patch-storage.swift-api-key
swift_tenant_name patch-storage.swift-tenant
swift_region_name patch-storage.swift-region
swift_domain_name patch-storage.swift-domain
patchstore patch-storage.type default: filesystem The available options are: - filesystem - swift - postgres - s3
storage_path patch-storage.filesystem-path Path defaults to /var/snap/canonical-livepatch-server/common/patches
sync_token patch-sync.token
sync_upstream patch-sync.upstream-url
sync_identity NA
sync_upstream_tier NA Upstream tier to download patch snapshots from. Default value is “updates”.
sync_interval patch-sync.interval
sync_tier NA Tier to assign downloaded patches to. Defaults to “edge”.
sync_flavors patch-sync.flavors
sync_architectures patch-sync.architectures
sync_minimum_kernel_version patch-sync.minimum-kernel-version
report_retention machine-reports.database.retention-days
report_cleanup_interval machine-reports.database.cleanup-interval
report_cleanup_row_limit machine-reports.database.cleanup-row-limit
influxdb_url influx.url
influxdb_token influx.token
influxdb_bucket influx.bucket
influxdb_organization influx.organization
s3_bucket patch-storage.s3-bucket
s3_endpoint patch-storage.s3-endpoint
s3_region patch-storage.s3-region
s3_access_key_id patch-storage.s3-access-key
s3_secret_key patch-storage.s3-secret-key
s3_secure patch-storage.s3-secure
profiler_enabled profiler.enabled
profiler_server_address profiler.server_address
profiler_hostname profiler.hostname
profiler_sample_rate profiler.sample_rate
profiler_upload_rate profiler.upload_rate
profiler_mutex_profile_fraction profiler.mutex_profile_fraction
profiler_block_profile_rate profiler.block_profile_rate
profiler_profile_allocations profiler.profile_allocations
profiler_profile_inuse profiler.profile_inuse
profiler_profile_mutexes profiler.profile_mutexes
profiler_profile_blocks profiler.profile_blocks
profiler_profile_goroutines profiler.profile_goroutine

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