Use a proxy when fetching patches

Livepatch on-prem server can fetch patches through an HTTP proxy. The configuration steps vary depending on the deployment platform.

See our patch-sync config for more details.

Juju deployments (latest charms)

If Livepatch on-prem has been deployed using Juju, run the following Juju configuration command:

$ juju config livepatch \
    patch-sync.proxy.enabled=true \
    patch-sync.proxy.http= \

Juju deployments (deprecated charm)

If Livepatch on-prem has been deployed using Juju with our older reactive charm (see our migration guide here), run the following Juju configuration command:

$ juju config livepatch \
    http_proxy= \

Snap deployments

If Livepatch on-prem has been deployed using Snap, users can run the following commands to configure a proxy:

$ sudo snap set canonical-livepatch-server lp.patch-sync.proxy.enabled=true
$ sudo snap set canonical-livepatch-server lp.patch-sync.proxy.http=
$ sudo snap set canonical-livepatch-server lp.patch-sync.proxy.https=

You can see the applied configuration by running the following:

$ sudo snap get canonical-livepatch-server lp.patch-sync.proxy
Key                          Value
lp.patch-sync.proxy.enabled  true

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