Manage thousands of Ubuntu
machines as easily as one

Landscape is the most cost-effective way to support and administer large and growing networks of desktops, servers, clouds, and embedded devices. Reduce your team's efforts for day-to-day linux server management and desktop administration.


  • Manage desktop, server and cloud deployments
  • Up to 40,000 machines with a single instance, and scale up for larger deployments
  • Create custom profiles for managing different machine classes
  • Easily install, update and remove software
  • Define policies for automated updates and security patches
  • Configure users and groups

Monitor your machines at scale

  • Set alerts for updates on specific machines
  • Graph trends of temperature, disk, memory usage and system load
  • List all processes running on a machine and remotely kill rogue processes
  • Build your own graphs with custom metrics

Maintain security and compliance

Patch compliance - keep systems secure and up to date

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Automated audit logging and compliance reporting

Regulatory compliance is significantly simplified with custom reporting

Why choose Landscape?

Control your inventory

  • Quickly track full software package information for all registered machines
  • Gather asset information in real time
  • Create dynamic search groups to perform operations on categories of machines
  • Easily access any machine property

Package repository management

  • Mirror and stage internal or external APT repositories
  • Upload and manage custom packages

Integrate Landscape
with your current systems

  • Scriptable API to customize Landscape for your organization’s needs
  • Integrate with your current configuration management, monitoring and ticketing systems

Deploy, monitor and manage your Ubuntu systems