Maarten Ectors

VP IoT, NG Networking & Proximity Cloud

Maarten Ectors is responsible at Canonical for Internet of Things, the next-generation of networking and cloud solutions that are in proximity of the user or at the edges of the network. Previously he was strategy director for cloud, big data and IoT. Maarten reports to Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Canonical.

48 posts by Maarten Ectors

Internet of Things

The smartest industry 4.0 crane

by Maarten Ectors on 10 April 2017

Lots of big name industrial players are launching IoT platforms and are hopeful that their big data analytics, open APIs, and other features will catapult...

Internet of Things

How Bosch Rexroth is innovating the PLC market

by Maarten Ectors on 5 April 2017

Last year I introduced a new concept called App Logic Controller or ALC. You basically run an app store on a PLC type of device and as such any industrial...

Internet of Things

The smart multi-personality vending machine

by Maarten Ectors on 13 March 2017

This vending machine is unlike you have seen before. It is a telecom operator in a box. Minutes later it cures the chronic ill via an Uber for Doctors and...

Internet of Things

This elevator catches intruders, saves lives, generates money, …

by Maarten Ectors on 13 March 2017

The world is becoming software defined and most people don’t realise what this means until software apps and app stores invade their day to day objects like...

Internet of Things

The cheapest and smartest mobile and IoT base station of MWC17

by Maarten Ectors on 11 March 2017

How to solve the top telecom industry problems (declining revenues, spiralling costs, slow time to market) and revolutionise the wireless industry? Open...

Internet of Things

The $1M/month revenue generating fountain each smart city should have

by Maarten Ectors on 9 March 2017

What if smart cities can have fountains generating revenue instead of costing money? App Stores on Fountains, one of the many crazy ideas we demoed on MWC,...

Internet of Things

How to become a LimeSDR innovator?

by Maarten Ectors on 8 March 2017

After an amazing week at MWC, I got people reaching out to me that want to be a LimeSDR innovator. Here is a short guide on what to do and what we are working...

Internet of Things

MWC17: The future of industrial IoT

by Maarten Ectors on 23 February 2017

The internet of things, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, big data, robots/drones, blockchain, industry 4.0 and other hype terms are popping up...

Internet of Things

MWC17: The future of wireless networks

by Maarten Ectors on 17 February 2017

The telecom industry is not as buoyant as it was some years back. Telecom operators ’ revenues are under pressure due to innovations from over the top...

Internet of Things

10 crazy IoT ideas that can soon become real

by Maarten Ectors on 6 February 2017

1) Smart cities: revenue generating fountains What if instead of being a cost to cities, fountains become a revenue generator? Crazy idea? Just put the same...

Internet of Things

Industrial IoT revolution with Raspberry Pi compute module 3

by Maarten Ectors on 31 January 2017

The Raspberry Pi Foundation released a long awaited version of their Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3. The great news is that you get 4GB storage, 1GB memory and...

Internet of Things

Pycom and Canonical to enable LPWAN communications via snaps

by Maarten Ectors on 25 November 2016

Pycom is the company behind the disruptive products such as the LoPy and SiPy which enable developers to easily get LoRa and Sigfox low-power WAN (LPWAN)...

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