Online account terms
Legal notice
Ubuntu online accounts is provided by Canonical Group Limited (Canonical). This Ubuntu online accounts legal notice applies to your use of Ubuntu online accounts and incorporates the terms of Canonical’s legal notice (and privacy policy).
Collection and use of credential information
You provide Ubuntu online accounts with your name and password(s) (credentials) for those online services you want Ubuntu online accounts to authenticate while using Ubuntu.
Ubuntu online accounts collects and stores your credentials when you enter them in the web authentication dialog and uses them, and authentication cookies, to provide authentication to those online services each time you access them while using Ubuntu.
By using Ubuntu online accounts you consent to:
- the collection and use of your credentials in this way;
- the use of authentication cookies; and
- the storage of your credentials and the authentication cookies on your Ubuntu computer.
- Canonical will not access or use your credentials or authentication cookies in any other way.
Links and third party content
Ubuntu provides links to online services. Canonical has no affiliation or partnership with the online services you link to from Ubuntu. Any trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on Ubuntu are the property of their owners, whether Canonical or third parties. For further information on links to third party sites and content please see Canonical’s legal notice.
Ceasing use
You may cease using Ubuntu online accounts at any time. If you cease using Ubuntu online accounts, or wish to cease using it for certain online services, please ensure that you have removed all of your credentials from the “Accounts” entry of your Ubuntu Control Centre.
Although most changes are likely to be minor, Canonical may change this legal notice from time to time, and at Canonical’s sole discretion. Please check this page from time to time for any changes to this legal notice as we will not be able to notify you directly.
How to contact us
Please submit any questions or comments about Ubuntu online accounts or this legal notice by contacting us at the following address: 2nd Floor, Clarendon House, Victoria Street, Douglas IM1 2LN, Isle of Man