
9 out of top 10 US & European financial institutions use Ubuntu

Find out why multi-cloud is fundamental to financial services transformation

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Why is Ubuntu popular with top financial institutions?

Ubuntu leads in security and performance on both public and hybrid clouds. It is the popular choice for developers at global financial institutions because of its versatility, reliability, freshness and ecosystem. From AI to Z systems, Ubuntu is the fastest growing platform on the planet.

Drive agility with cloud-native

Financial institutions are increasingly pressed for agility and velocity to adapt to changing market conditions, increased customer expectations while satisfying regulatory and compliance requirements.

Canonical helps financial institutions drive infrastructure efficiency and operational agility with multi-cloud, hybrid cloud and bare-metal solutions.

Innovate at speed while keeping costs under control

More and more financial institutions are embracing a cloud-native approach to application development and deployment, helping them realise value around their key business priorities.

Canonical delivers pure upstream Kubernetes tested across the widest range of clouds — from public clouds to private data centres, from bare metal to virtualised infrastructure allowing financial institutions to scale innovation at speed and drive down costs.

Contact us to discuss how Canonical can help you realise business value from open source technology and help drive innovation at scale.

US and European financial institutions for this analysis were ranked by total assets as of 31 March 2020 per the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council and, as of 31 December 2019 per the S&P Global Market Intelligence report respectively.

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