
Chris Kenyon

on 30 January 2008

This article is more than 17 year s old.

Vive le Logiciel Libre!

Today the Gendarmerie Nationale (The French national police force) announced the migration of up to 70,000 computers to Ubuntu over the next 3 years.

This comes at the end of a two year migration project where the Gendarmerie Nationale have been using Open Office and Firefox before starting the full migration. This as a great win for everyone in the open source and the Ubuntu community and testament to the high quality, strong security and ease of use of Ubuntu.

More Ubuntu in France

This announcement, combined with the National Assembly’s migration to Ubuntu in July and Dell shipping Ubuntu in France shows just how vibrant the Ubuntu community is in France. Canonical are delighted to announce that we will be joinging the APRIL (*A*ssociation pour la *P*romotion et la *R*echerche en *I*nformatique *L*ibre) whose work promoting Free Software continues to help users discover the benefits of open source and choice.

P.S. If you are in Paris at Linux Solution today or tomorrow – come by our booth or visit Frederic, Didier and others on the excellent Ubuntu France community booth.

Chris Kenyon – Canonical – Director, Business Development

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