Ubuntu 21.10 Wallpaper Competition
Rhys Davies
on 24 June 2021
Tags: Ubuntu Desktop , wallpaper
We are incredibly proud to announce the beginning of the Impish Indri wallpaper competition! (That’s the code name for Ubuntu 21.10) You can submit your artwork and read the rules over on the Ubuntu discourse. Every new release of Ubuntu comes pre-loaded with new background images that users can select ‘out of the box’. For the Ubuntu Impish Indri release, we are running a competition for members of the community to get their artwork baked into an Ubuntu release, forever.

Photo by Lanju Fotografie on Unsplash
It’s all quite straightforward, if you have some artwork that you would like to submit, go to discourse, read through the rules and guidelines, and submit by replying to the original post. Submissions close on the 20th of August. On that date, we’ll post a voting poll for the community to select their top ten submissions. The ten submissions with the most votes will be featured in various places where Ubuntu lives and the top TWO will make it into the official image. In case of a tie, the Desktop team and the community team will make the final decision. Then, we will announce the winners during the Desktop Team Indaba on the 27th of August.
The last wallpaper competition like this happened for the 19.10 release ‘Eoan Ermine’. If you’re looking for inspiration, or to see an example of how the competition works, check out the 19.10 results on discourse or read the OMG! UBUNTU article instead.
With the reboot of the Ubuntu Community team in Canonical, we intend to facilitate the wallpaper competition for each new release. So, use this one as a warm-up, or a test run, and think about what you can submit to get your art baked into 22.04, a LTS release that will be used by Ubuntu users for years.

So grab your camera (phone or otherwise), dust off your mouse or drawing tablet, maybe even your camcorder, and start creating! Rules, guidelines, and helpful resources can all be found in the discourse post. If you have any questions we’ll be monitoring the topic very closely so just post your comment there too.

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