Talk Type
Marcus Haslam
on 20 May 2010
Tags: Design
At the recent Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS), we invited Type Designer Bruno Maag from Dalton Maag to talk about the new open-source font design development for the Ubuntu operating system (name yet to be finalised but there’s a good chance it could be called Ubuntu : )).
Bruno gave two talks – the first, an intro session just after lunch. A mere fifteen minutes to excite the audience about type (and that, my friends, is no mean feat!) and also to entice people to come to the workshop straight afterwards.
In the second session (which I saw people actually running to), Bruno revealed the processes involved in creating a design that underpins the new Graphical User Interface design and extensive language support. His presentation went from sketches of initial designs to a live hinting demo. Hinting is a technical process that allows character shapes to adapt to the resolution and abilities of the device on which they’re being displayed.
A great way to explain how the art and science work so brilliantly together.
We look forward to seeing the font in all its glory.
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