Professional support for Ubuntu now easier than ever

This article was last updated 5 year s ago.

Canonical’s professional support subscription Ubuntu Advantage (UA)—for cloud, server and desktop—is now even easier to purchase or renew with the launch of the UA store [].

UA helps organisations around the world to manage their Ubuntu deployments. It includes:

  • Bug fixes & security updates, documentation, manuals, AskUbuntu, Launchpad, NTP and Entropy
  • Landscape Management & Monitoring (SaaS Edition)
  • IP Indemnification, KnowledgeBase and hardening guides
  • Up to 24×7 phone & web support (main packages + select backports) with down to 1 hour – 1 business day response time (severity 1-4)
  • Option of a dedicated Canonical support engineer on your premises

Ubuntu Advantage gives the world’s largest enterprises the assurance they need for their cloud infrastructure. These include private and public cloud users, as well as those running on bare metal. In the cloud, Ubuntu Advantage is available to customers running Ubuntu in a private cloud, or in an Ubuntu Certified Public Cloud such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Rackspace, or Softlayer.

A full list of Ubuntu Certified Public Cloud partners can be found in our listing.

Ubuntu Advantage customers include:

To learn more about Ubuntu Advantage, or to purchase support, please visit the store.

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