Kernel Team Summary: November 7, 2017


on 8 November 2017

This article was last updated 5 year s ago.

October 24 through November 06

Development (18.04)

Every 6 months the Ubuntu Kernel Team is tasked to pick the kernel to be used in the next release. This is a difficult thing to do because we don’t definitively know what will be going into the upstream kernel over the next 6 months nor the quality of that kernel. We look at the Ubuntu release schedule and how that will line up with the upstream kernel releases. We talk to hardware vendors about when they will be landing their changes upstream and what they would prefer as the Ubuntu kernel version. We talk to major cloud vendors and ask them what they would like. We speak to large consumers of Ubuntu to solicit their opinion. We look at what will be the next upstream stable kernel. We get input from members of the Canonical product strategy team. Taking all of that into account we are tentatively planning to converge on 4.15 for the Bionic Beaver 18.04 LTS release.

On the road to 18.04 we have a 4.14 based kernel in the kernel team’s unstable ppa.

Stable (Released & Supported)

  • SRU cycle completed successfully and the following kernel updates have been released to the -updates pocket:
      trusty             3.13.0-135.184
      trusty/lts-xenial  4.4.0-98.121~14.04.1
      xenial             4.4.0-98.121
      xenial/snapdragon  4.4.0-1078.83
      xenial/raspi2      4.4.0-1076.84
      xenial/aws         4.4.0-1039.48
      xenial/gke         4.4.0-1033.33
      xenial/gcp         4.10.0-1008.8
      xenial/azure       4.11.0-1014.14
      xenial/kvm         4.4.0-1009.14
      xenial/hwe         4.10.0-38.42~16.04.1
      xenial/hwe-edge    4.13.0-16.19~16.04.3
      zesty              4.10.0-35.39
      zesty/raspi2       4.10.0-1020.23
  • The following kernels snaps updates have been released on the snap store:
  • Artful Aardvark (Ubuntu 17.10) has been released and its kernel packages are now in SRU.
  • The updated kernel packages for the next SRU cycle are now in -proposed pocket ready for verification and tests.

Kernel versions in -proposed:

      trusty/linux-lts-xenial   4.4.0-100.123~14.04.1

  xenial            4.4.0-100.123
  xenial/linux-hwe      4.10.0-39.43~16.04.1
  xenial/linux-hwe-edge 4.13.0-17.20~16.04.1

  zesty         4.10.0-39.43

  artful            4.13.0-17.20
  • Current cycle: 27-Oct through 18-Nov
               27-Oct   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle.
      30-Oct - 04-Nov   Kernel prep week.
      05-Nov - 17-Nov   Bug verification & Regression testing.
               20-Nov   Release to -updates.
  • Next cycle: 17-Nov through 09-Dec
               17-Nov   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle.
      20-Nov - 25-Nov   Kernel prep week.
      26-Nov - 08-Dec   Bug verification & Regression testing.
               11-Dec   Release to -updates.


  • New release of stress-ng, V0.09.02 (porting and bug fix release).
  • The current CVE status
  • If you would like to reach the kernel team, you can find us at the #ubuntu-kernel
    channel on FreeNode. Alternatively, you can mail the Ubuntu Kernel Team mailing
    list at:
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