Juju plugin: search charmstore
Adam Stokes
on 25 November 2015
Sometimes it is just quicker to type a few commands on the cli than opening your browser window, going to jujucharms.com and typing out a search term to see what is available to you. So I wrote a tiny plugin to speed that up a bit.
Install the plugin
Currently supports Trusty, Vivid, and Wily
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:adam-stokes/juju-query $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install juju-query
Searching the charmstore
If you know the exact name of the charm:
$ juju search ghost
Results in
Precise cs:precise/ghost-3 Example: juju deploy cs:precise/ghost-3 Get additional information: juju info cs:precise/ghost-3
Or part of a charm name
$ juju search nova-cloud\*
Gives us
Trusty cs:trusty/nova-cloud-controller-64 Precise cs:precise/nova-cloud-controller-55 Namespaced cs:~landscape/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-6 cs:~landscape/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-next-49 cs:~openstack-charmers-next/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-17 cs:~cory-benfield/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-10 cs:~andybavier/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-3 cs:~mmenkhof/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-1 cs:~plumgrid-team/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-0 cs:~adam-collard/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-0 cs:~bjornt/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-1 cs:~chad.smith/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-0 cs:~project-calico/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-0 cs:~landscape/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-stable-integrityerror-1 cs:~niedbalski/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-0 cs:~celebdor/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-1 cs:~landscape/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-leadership-election-0 cs:~nuage-canonical/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-1 cs:~le-charmers/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-0 cs:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/precise/nova-cloud-controller-38 cs:~charmers/precise/nova-cloud-controller-27 cs:~springfield-team/precise/nova-cloud-controller-11 cs:~gandelman-a/precise/nova-cloud-controller-2 cs:~ivoks/precise/nova-cloud-controler-0 Example: juju deploy cs:~landscape/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-6 Get additional information: juju info cs:~landscape/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-6
Getting more information
This will give you the output of the README stored on jujucharms.com
$ juju info ghost|less
And the output of the README right to your screen \o/
ghost Ghost is a simple, powerful publishing platform. README # Overview Ghost is an Open Source application which allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you the tools to make it easy and even fun to do. It's simple, elegant, and designed so that you can spend less time making your blog work and more time blogging. This is an updated charm originally written by Jeff Pihach and ported over to the charms.reactive framework and updated for Trusty and the latest Ghost release. # Quick Start After you have a Juju cloud environment running: $ juju deploy ghost $ juju expose ghost To access your newly installed blog you'll need to get the IP of the instance. $ juju status ghost Visit `:2368/ghost/` to create your username and password. Continue setting up Ghost by following the [usage documentation](http://docs.ghost.org/usage/). You will want to change the URL that Ghost uses to generate links internally to the URL you will be using for your blog. $ juju set ghost url= # Configuration To view the configuration options for this charm open the `config.yaml` file or: $ juju get ghost
This plugin utilizes theblues python library for interfacing with the charmstore’s api. Check out the project on their github page.
If you want to contribute to the plugin you can find that on my github page. Some other features I’d like to add is getting the configuration options, searching bundles, show what relations are provided/required, etc.
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