Improved window management shortcuts land in Lucid
on 5 February 2010
Sebastian Bacher landed improved Compiz keyboard shortcucts in Lucid this week during the distro sprint in Portland, Oregon (which is by far the best sprint I’ve ever been to–everybody is rocking):
- Super↓E↓↑↑ triggers Expo as usual.
- Super↓W↓↑↑ scales all windows on your current workspace (hint: try typing in scale mode!).
- Super↓A↓↑↑ scales all windows on all workspaces.
- Super↓D↓↑↑ replaces Control↓Alt↓D↓↑↑↑ for Show Desktop.
Other Compiz changes have landed this week, including snappier window animations and other paper cut-sized fixes. Enjoy!
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