Celebrate Ubuntu!
on 31 May 2011
Tags: animation , Design , illustration , inspiration , Ubuntu , Ubuntu Desktop , video
At UDS in Budapest we held a session on the idea of a toolkit for community members. It would allow anyone excited enough to show off and celebrate their use and love of Ubuntu. As you can see from the notes there were a lot of ideas and one of the first activities was to create a YouTube channel celebrating Ubuntu.
Last week we did exactly that and you can now head over to www.youtube.com/celebrateubuntu right now! Go on, head over. I’ll be here when you get back … that was quick 😉
Related to this as part of the 11.04 release I worked on a video for Ubuntu.com with our web team. Intended for the features page it shows off some of the new goodness that has made it into this release. I should also say a special thanks to Jason from the Novacut project who stepped in and helped right at the end. We couldn’t have done it without you chap! Thanks!
This video and the toolkit conversation got us thinking. Everyone has their own favourite aspect of Ubuntu. The thing that makes it great for them. The thing that makes them smile when they use their computer. The thing that makes them wonder why anyone would use anything else!
So make us a video that tells the world what your favourite part of Ubuntu is.
Step 1: Come up with your ultimate Ubuntu feature and how you might make a video of it. What’s the story? Will a viewer “get it”?
Step 2: Make your video and post it up on your favourite video sharing website/ Ubuntu One/ anywhere you can put the file send it to me!
Step 3: Just like any internal design project we’ll get our Brand Lead Marcus Haslam to have a look and the ones we think make the grade will be posted on our channel for the world to see!
We’ll be looking at these throughout the Oneiric cycle, blogging and promoting the ones we think are great so there’s no deadline as such.
Get creative, enjoy and together let’s celebrate Ubuntu!

Ubuntu for desktops
The open source Ubuntu desktop operating system powers millions of PCs and laptops around the world.
Ubuntu is fast, modern, secure and it comes with everything you need to run your organisation, school, home or enterprise.