Canonical Cloud Chatter: May 2015 Newsletter
on 11 June 2015
Tags: Charms , Juju , newsletter
Summer has arrived (at least in some parts of the world!) and we’ve been busy telling the world about the opportunities created by Ubuntu Advantage Storage and challenging KVM with our LXD ‘lightervisor’. We are proud to maintain our status as the operating system of choice for most production OpenStack cloud deployments, as revealed by the latest OpenStack Users Survey results. Meanwhile we’ve been preparing for our next webinar and a number of upcoming events! Read up to find out what’s new with Juju and our partner ecosystem!
Webinar: How charming your software for the Cloud will help you be successful
When: Wednesday 24th June 2015, 5pm BST (British Summer Time)
Join us to explore how charming your software for Juju will launch your software business into the cloud, fast. Using real world examples, we’ll show you how forward thinking businesses are leveraging Juju and Charms to stay competitive in a rapidly changing marketplace. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear about other software developers who have charmed their apps for Juju in as few as 60 days.

We recently launched Ubuntu Advantage Storage, Canonical’s new software-defined storage support service, offering a range of storage solutions. What’s great about our metered support plans is that they’re priced based on the amount of data written, not the number or size of disks or the number of machines used to provide the service. Meanwhile, Canonical can provide support, with optional L3 escalation to a range of specialist partners.
Find out more about Ubuntu Advantage Storage and find out how much you could save

At the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver we released performance data on LXD, Canonical’s next generation hypervisor, comparing its abilities to KVM. LXD runs guest machines 14.5 times more densely and with 57% less latency than KVM! Container-based LXD is a dramatic improvement on traditional virtualisation and particularly valuable for large hosting environments. Using LXD instead of KVM, web applications can be hosted on a fraction of the hardware, resulting in substantial long term savings for your organisation.
Read the LXD announcement and get an update on the state of affairs with live migration from Tycho Andersen.
Ubuntu at OpenStack Summit Vancouver
This year saw two very well-attended OpenStack Summits, with announcements covering all aspects of the OpenStack project. Canonical’s social event at the Vancouver Chinese Gardens was very successful, with over 500 attendees and 300 on the waiting list (!), bringing industry colleagues together before the Summit commencement. Our announcements around Ubuntu Advantage Storage, Per VM Pricing and LXD performance benchmarking were received with great interest and enthusiasm by the community.
Juju 1.23 is here!
Juju 1.23 was recently released, introducing new features and bug fixes. Amongst the exciting new features of Juju are the added native support for Google’s Compute Engine (GCE), the refined backup management and restoration as well as the ability to model tasks against a service by encapsulating it as an action.
Partner ecosystem highlights
The Charm Partner Programme welcomed 4 new partners during May: Eurecom, who will be charming OpenAirInterface; Certivox, Objectif Libre and Expeto. We’re excited to work with them, and to see the great additions they will make to our ecosystem in the near future. We’ve also had two new partner charms added to the Charm Store: Galera Cluster and HSenid’s Cloud Telco Application Platform (CTAP). To find out more about these and other charms, check out the Juju Charms website.
Finally, our work with strategic alliance partners has advanced once again – we are now collaborating with Cisco on policy-based OpenStack clouds. Cisco is joining the Ubuntu Cloud OpenStack Interoperability Lab (OIL). In OIL, Canonical conducts interoperability testing on 3,000 plus cloud configurations each month, now with Cisco ACI along with 32 other OIL partners on Ubuntu OpenStack.
Upcoming Events
Big Data: From Complexity To Simplicity
We’ll be stopping in Austin and Santa Monica, on the 22nd and 25th June respectively, where we’ll focus on how Juju can help you move from complexity to simplicity on Microsoft Azure.
DockerCon Event
In town for DockerCon? We’re holding a panel on June 21st to hash out what orchestration really means in real world terms and talk about where they see the management of complex systems going.

We are a proud partner of the upcoming TadHack, if you are stopping by the Lisbon event come join us!
Talk to us today
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